Executives & Founders
Enter mastery with your leadership, and receive the support and community
that you need to make a long-lasting impact.
TLC's Executive & Founders program is an exclusive, individually tailored 1-on-1 program catered to the immediate needs of the client.
We support Executives and Founders with a proprietary, individualized 1-on-1 coaching plan flexing assessments as needed (Hogan, 360, etc.) pairing these leaders with an intentionally-matched certified executive leadership coach.
Our Thought Process:
The future of leadership is rapidly changing into a multi-dimensional role that requires leaders to have a large magnitude of skills they were never modeled or trained for. At the executive and founder levels, leaders must respond quickly to these demands, otherwise, they and their corporations suffer greatly. (Source: Gallup)
How We Help:
Each individual is intentionally matched with a certified executive coach who creates an individual coaching plan, taking into account their assessments and bridging any gaps with our proprietary neuroscience-backed TLC curriculum.
How We’re Different:
TLC's Executive & Founders coaching process is uniquely led by a neuroscience-backed cognitive performance assessment that guides the coaching plan for the whole person, not just business success. This approach ensures hitting high-achieving results while thriving.
If you’re an individual interested in the Executive & Founders program, contact us here.
Or head back to the Who We Help page to explore our other offerings